End Cards

End cards are rich media interactive interstitials that are shown after the user has viewed a video ad. The End card experience adds a new dimension to user engagement and allows brands to bring various mobile-first interactions

Location Card

Location Card

Open up store locators for your brand outlets

CRM Card

CRM Card

Bring in leads, engage using click to call and sms

Calendar Card

Calendar Card

Remind audiences of your favorite events

Gallery Card

Gallery Card

Showcase a photo gallery of products

Social Media Card

Social Media Card

Work on your Brand's social presence

Survey Card

Survey Card

Understand your audiences better

YouTube Card

YouTube Card

Promote your YouTube channels

Retail Card

Retail Card

Bring the Buy button straight to a card

Interactive End Card Demos

POKKT has successfully delivered Rich Interactive End Cards to the audiences. Experience these cards in our Showcase App  POKKT PLAY.

Ad Gallery

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In addition to the above, POKKT has a very powerful Retargeting tool.